Attempts at negotiation to date have been fruitless, largely because neither side seems to have much to offer the other. Well, it's time to think outside the box. Here are some ideas that just might work:
• Afghan government will be decentralized, with regional chieftains and warlords retaining their local power and meeting in a traditional loya jurga to make decisions that affect the nation as a whole.
• All foreign forces will leave Afghanistan, with Afghan leadership committing to subdue or expel foreign Islamist forces, including IS and al-Qaeda.
• NATO nations will contract to purchase the entire Afghan opium crop, thereby maintaining the Afghan economy and sharply reducing the availability of opioids on worldwide markets.
• Afghanistan will contract with multinational corporations based in NATO countries to exploit its deposits of rare earths and other minerals, creating cash incentives for all parties to the negotiations.
• The West will commit to end all efforts to influence Afghan religious practices, and let the Afghans handle their own political corruption problems in whatever ways they see fit.
A general consensus has emerged that "nation building" does not work, and that attempts to foment cultural revolutions in the Third World create nothing but chaos and antagonism. If the West can live with Saudi Arabia under Sharia law, it can extend the same courtesy to Afghanistan. Cultures change at their own rates, each in accordance with its own needs.
I'll pick up my Nobel Peace Prize in person, provided I can fly first-class.